The institute

The “Instituto de Carboquímica (ICB)” located on the campus Ebro River in Zaragoza, develops its scientific activity in the area of Global Materia of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC).

The ICB is in the European vanguard in research lines that generate great social sensitivity (CO2 capture/ climate change, air pollution, waste recovery), in lines with new technological challenges (production of hydrogen and renewable fuels) and advanced applications (nanoscience and nanotechnology, development of new sensors, fuel cells, batteries, superconductors, etc.).

ICB is organised into two departments (Energy and Environment, Chemical Processes and Carbon Nanostructures and Nanotechnology) and six research groups,  some  of which are recognised by the Aragón Regional Government. It also has support services research (Management, Administration, Maintenance, Analysis and Library).

Analysis Service  covers the analytical needs of researchers of the center and offers the same service to researchers from other OPIS and universities, businesses and individuals.

Research is funded through regional, national and European projects and contracts with companies worldwide .

