Equality Unit

On 7 April 2021, the Institute Board approved the formation of the Institute of Carbochemistry’s Equality Unit as a working group of the Institute Board and comprised of four women and three men: the Management team, scientific staff, technical staff, administration, and representation of pre-doctoral staff, in accordance with the “Guide for the Formation and Operation of Equality Units in Institutes and Centres of the CSIC.”

The objectives of the BCI Equality Unit are:

  • To advise on the necessary or appropriate measures to actively integrate the principle of equality between women and men in the daily life of the centre.
  • Monitoring the application of the CSIC Equality Plan.
  • Promoting the gender perspective as a cross-cutting category in all aspects of the centre’s operations.
  • Joining national and international gender equality initiatives.
  • Promote forums for meeting and debate to analyse and reflect on the situation of women in research and science.

The specific objectives are:

  • Elaboration of statistics disaggregated by sex of the centre and its comparison with the macro area Subject and the total CSIC (staff, funding, training).
  • Promote training in Equality and Gender in science for the centre’s staff (internal and external training courses).
  • Inclusion of information on CSIC protocols (harassment, conciliation and non-sexist language) in the welcome plans.
  • Increasing the visibility of the work of women researchers to the general public and students (awards, institutions, media).
  • Incorporation of gender analysis in research as an improvement in the quality of research (in funding applications, in proposals, in networks).
  • Dissemination activities in campaigns such as 11 February, 8M or NoMoreMatildas (talks, student visits, website, social networks).
  • Creation of a bibliographic collection for management and lending in the library.
    Work in collaboration with the Women and Science Commission of the CSIC and AMIT.

